Gene expression data from Orthotopic human immune system reconstituted (HIR) patient-derived xenograft (PDX) PDAC mouse models treated with Ladarixin, Nivolumab, and the combination of the two drugs
RNA-seq raw count matrix from Orthotopic human immune system reconstituted (HIR) patient-derived xenograft (PDX) PDAC mouse models. metadata file match sample IDs and treatment conditions
Steps to reproduce
Tumor tissue was collected from from Orthotopic human immune system reconstituted (HIR) patient-derived xenograft (PDX) PDAC mouse model for RNAsequencing. RNA integrity number (RIN) was measured on an Agilent Bio Analyzer 2100 system. Only RNA samples with a RIN > 7 were used for cDNA library construction. All cDNA libraries were sequenced using paired-end strategy (read length 150 bp) on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. Quality of raw reads was checked with FASTQC. Transcripts were quantified with the alignment-free method implemented in Salmon 0.11.3. Mouse genome and transcriptome from Genecode Release M18 (GRCm38.p6) were used. ### Note for the paper data Differential expression analysis was performed with NOISeq R package Gene Set Enrichment analysis of deregulated genes was performed using enrichR package
Additional Metadata
Campus | Rome |
Grant name | “Traduzione applicativa dei risultati della ricerca sul genoma dei tumori del pancreas” |
Grant ID | FIMCUP_J38D19000690001 |
Scientific Disciplinary Area | MED/06 - Oncologia medica |